
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Resolve to Read

 As an educator, I recognize the importance of reading, not just for myself but for our children.  After all, studies have shown that reading builds both vocabulary and cognitive thinking skills. Also, children who are poor readers when they enter 3rd grade, are more likely to drop out of high school. (read more about that here)

Years ago, I made a resolution, not to make resolutions.  In 2014, I've decided to change that.  It's amazing how easy it is to sit down and share a book with a child, but how often we just can't find the extra few minutes to do it.

This year I ask everyone to take a few minutes to read to a child.

 For those of you who need other avenues to help promote literacy, check out Barbara Bush's Foundation for Family Literacy website.  You can also follow the Foundation's Twitter feed here.

Happy New Year!

The worst of all injustices is to fail to teach kids how to read.

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