
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Book Review: The Sense of An Ending

The Sense of an EndingThe Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wonder how well I remember the events from my youth?

This Booker Prize Winner allows the reader to look deep into the life of the narrator and realize that memories are not always what they seem. The book starts with short account of high school events from the point of view from our narrator. Later, after our narrator is in his sixties, the events are reexamined. Not until the very end of the novel are we truly allowed an incite into the author's purpose.

I normally prefer longer novels. I personally think the expanse of time helps develop characters in a way that I prefer. This novel is an exception to that rule. Barnes' ability to develop characters in a short time is amazing. I felt compelled to keep reading, and once I realized my narrator, Tony, was very unreliable, I found myself trying to decide what was really happening.

Our narrator is often told, "You just don't understand!" He doesn't, and best of all you don't 'till you've read the very last line.

I highly suggest this book.  While I normally read books for the middle grades, this book might be more suitable for Young Adults to Adult.

View all my reviews


Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I agree that, from the perspective of age, events in our younger years take on a different cast.

Perhaps the wisdom we've gleaned over the years allows us to be tolerant...


Melissa Wiebe said...

I am looking forward to reading this one; have a request through my loocal library.

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